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Keir Starmer emphasises offshore wind and renewable energy in campaign speech

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
By: Chloe Emanuel 31/05/2024 Labour UK

In a recent campaign speech, Labour leader Keir Starmer highlighted the party's commitment to offshore wind and renewable energy as pivotal elements of their strategy for economic and environmental renewal. Speaking to a receptive audience in Abergavenny, Starmer outlined his vision for transforming the UK's energy infrastructure.

Starmer underscored the importance of floating offshore wind technology, which he described as a "gamechanger" for the future. "Vaughan and I went to Holyhead Port just a few weeks ago to look at the potential of that port for floating offshore wind," he said. "We have a plan to transform that port to make sure it can handle floating offshore wind. We’ve got the skills, we’ve the potential, we’ve got the ports, we need to take advantage of that."

In addition to offshore wind, Starmer introduced the concept of Great British Energy, a publicly owned company aimed at investing in green British power. He criticised the current government's past decisions to cut investments in renewables and insulation, which he argued left the country vulnerable to international energy market fluctuations. "Ten years or so ago, they said ‘cut the green crap’ and stopped investing in renewables," Starmer said. "We have got to turn that around."

Starmer's speech also addressed the broader economic impact of these energy policies, promising lower bills and the creation of new jobs through investment in renewable energy. His proposals reflect Labour's broader commitment to tackling climate change while ensuring economic stability and growth.

With the upcoming general election, Starmer's focus on renewable energy aims to position Labour as the party of progress and sustainability, offering a clear alternative to the current government's track record on energy policy.

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