U.S. offshore wind industry environmental data to speed deployment schedule

By: Mark Casey

Home Market Intelligence Wind News

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Liza Burdock

The Business Network for Offshore Wind today released a new report, Building a Collaborative Data Strategy for the U.S Offshore Wind Industry, which highlights the need for and benefits of developing a strategic, industry-wide approach to collecting and using environmental data in the offshore wind sector…

The U.S. industry has ramped up construction, recently celebrating steel in the water on the first two commercial-scale projects, and now sits at a crucial tipping point. It has become increasingly important for industry stakeholders to consider offshore wind as a collective, critical energy infrastructure system that requires collaboration on data collection strategies that allow the industry to work together to improve maintenance procedures, turbine efficiency, and cost projections.

“Building a robust U.S. offshore wind market needs an equally robust permitting system that moves projects along in a timely manner and protects the environment.” said Liz Burdock, (pictured above) president and CEO of the Business Network for Offshore Wind.

“Better data is the answer, and this report illustrates the opportunity and urgency for the industry to chart a path towards an environmental data strategy. Harnessing data shared in a collaborate fashion can cut down on the permitting timeline and ensure greater environmental stewardship, building public confidence and fostering greater investor confidence in the U.S. market.” ...

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Mark Casey
Mark Casey

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 chloe.emanuel@tgs.com