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St. John's Shipbuilding delivers third offshore wind crew transport vessel

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
By: Chloe Emanuel 24/06/2024 Johns Ship Building Inc

St. John's Ship Building, based in Palatka, Florida, has delivered the Windea Enterprise, the second of three Jones Act-compliant Incat Crowther 30m Crew Transport Vessels (CTV) to WINDEA CTV, LLC. This marks the third CTV delivery by St. John's within six months.

Joe Rella, President of St. John's Ship Building, praised the shipbuilders and support staff for their efforts. "With three CTV deliveries in the last six months and two more in production, we're continuing to grow our CTV building program," Rella said. He highlighted the company's commitment to supporting American shipbuilding and local job creation in Putnam County, Florida.

WINDEA CTV, LLC, a partnership between Hornblower Wind and MidOcean Wind, focuses on U.S. offshore wind farm support. Bradley Neuberth, Managing Partner of MidOcean Wind, commended St. John's Shipyard for their cooperation and collaboration in delivering the vessels under challenging economic conditions.

Over the past two years, St. John's Ship Building has modernized its capabilities and invested in new talent, enabling efficient production of multiple vessels. Acquired by Americraft Marine in 2022, the company is committed to sustainability and innovation, producing CTVs essential for servicing offshore wind farm turbines and advancing the use of modern unmanned craft and data-collecting barges.

This delivery reinforces St. John's Ship Building's role in supporting the growth of the U.S. offshore wind industry and maintaining the tradition of American shipbuilding.

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