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Poland’s wind power industry on the rise: New report highlights progress and challenges

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
By: Chloe Emanuel 06/06/2024 Baltic Wind

Poland’s wind power industry is witnessing rapid development, according to the latest report "Wind Energy in Poland," presented at the Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA) conference in Swinoujscie. The report offers a detailed analysis of both onshore and offshore energy sectors, highlighting current conditions and future prospects.

Market Improvement and Future Outlook

The report reveals a positive shift in the onshore wind market, with two-thirds of investors noting an improvement in 2023, attributed mainly to the liberalization of the 10H distance rule. Looking ahead, half of the investors are optimistic about 2024, rating the market conditions as good or very good, while only 20% foresee a potential decline.

Key Opportunities and Challenges

Significant opportunities for the onshore wind sector include:

Use of cable pooling
Development of transmission and distribution networks
Further relaxation of distance regulations

However, a major challenge remains the high number of grid connection refusals, which hinders market growth. Investors predict that the average energy price on the POLPX wholesale market in 2024 will range between 350 and 400 PLN/MWh, impacting future investments.

Comprehensive Sector Analysis

The "Wind Energy in Poland" report provides an extensive analysis of several critical areas:

Current state of wind power in Poland, Europe, and globally
Legal conditions and business prospects for onshore wind power
Legal conditions and business prospects for offshore wind energy

Both onshore and offshore wind power sectors are gaining momentum. The relaxation of distance regulations has paved the way for new onshore projects, potentially expanding the existing portfolio of over 9 GW. Offshore wind energy is also on the rise, with plans to develop more than 15 GW of wind farms in Polish waters.

Addressing the Challenges

Despite the progress, challenges persist. Onshore projects face constraints in network connections, while offshore developments encounter delays in service and port infrastructure, which need to keep pace with growing investments.

The report, prepared in collaboration with the Wind Industry HUB Foundation and the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), offers a thorough overview of the current state and future direction of Poland’s wind energy sector.

For more information about offshore wind farm projects across the globe, click here.


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