Ocean Winds launch skills training

By: Chloe Emanuel

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24/01/2024 Ocean Winds

Ocean Winds’ Caledonia Offshore Wind Farm has provided funding to the Energy Skills Partnership (ESP) to supply augmented reality (AR) systems that will deliver state of the art welding skills training in Scottish colleges.

The contribution forms part of broader strategic relationship between Caledonia’s developer, Ocean Winds, and ESP - the college sector agency in Scotland for energy transition, zero carbon transport, engineering, construction and STEM - to ensure colleges are aligned with the skills needs of the growing offshore wind sector.

Augmented reality is an interactive tool that uses digital technology to enhance real world experiences with computer-generated content. Using this equipment will give students access to environments similar to those they can expect when working in the offshore industry. This will allow them to hone their welding skills and learn how to perform their role in the conditions of the field, rather than in a basic workshop setting.

The set of eight AR systems can be booked by colleges to enhance their welding courses and train-the-trainer sessions to prepare staff for using the equipment will also be offered.

Mark Baxter, Caledonia Project Director, commented: “This agreement represents Caledonia’s latest commitment to support the next generation of energy workers develop the skills needed to excel in the offshore wind industry – a sector that is growing rapidly in Scotland".

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About the Author

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 Chloe.Emanuel@4coffshore.net