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Norway and Ukraine forge energy cooperation agreement

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
By: Chloe Emanuel 11/06/2024 Norwegian Government

In a significant move to bolster Ukraine's energy sector, heavily impacted by Russia's ongoing aggression, Norway and Ukraine have signed a comprehensive energy cooperation agreement. The agreement, formalised on June 10 in Berlin, marks a crucial step in Ukraine's recovery efforts.

The Memorandum of Understanding, signed by Norway’s Minister of Trade and Industry Cecilie Myrseth and Ukraine's Minister of Energy Herman Halushchenko, encompasses key areas such as gas, renewable energy, energy networks, and power market operations.

Norwegian businesses are keen to assist in the rebuilding of Ukraine, a sentiment echoed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who has called for closer cooperation with Norwegian enterprises. Minister Myrseth affirmed Norway’s commitment to facilitating this collaboration, emphasising the importance of a united effort between governments, businesses, and civil society.

Minister of Energy Terje Aasland highlighted Norway's expertise and robust business sector in the energy field, noting that the agreement will enhance ongoing efforts, including donations of technical equipment from Norwegian power companies since 2022. The cooperation aims to integrate renewable energy, improve energy efficiency, and implement smart digital solutions to secure a sustainable energy future for Ukraine.

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