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New report urges UK Government to speed up grid development and boost green jobs

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
By: Chloe Emanuel 28/06/2024 Renewable UK

A new report by the Mission Zero Coalition, led by former energy minister Chris Skidmore and RenewableUK's CEO Dan McGrail, calls on the next UK government to accelerate the development of electricity infrastructure to support renewable energy projects.

The report, "At a Crossroads – Pathway to a Net Zero Future," highlights the urgent need for the UK to quintuple its electricity infrastructure within the next five years to meet its net zero targets.

The report advocates for a streamlined and democratic planning consent process to encourage high-quality renewable energy applications and promote community engagement. It suggests establishing local civic assemblies to collaborate with developers and address concerns about project impacts. Additionally, it points out that under-resourced planning departments delay timely decision-making.

Strategic recommendations include co-locating wind and solar farms with battery storage to balance supply and demand cost-effectively. The report also emphasizes the importance of digital technology in integrating variable renewable power and improving grid reliability, calling for a new task force to enhance data sharing.

Chris Skidmore stated, “In a week’s time, the incoming government must prioritize the net zero transition further and faster than ever before to meet our 2030 decarbonization target. This report provides a comprehensive roadmap for the next five years, including immediate actions for the next 100 days.”

RenewableUK CEO Dan McGrail added, “We hope the next government uses this report’s recommendations as a blueprint to stay on track for net zero. Ofgem estimates a net zero grid could save consumers £10 billion by 2050, making this imperative for both billpayers and our energy security.”

The report, supported by industry stakeholders, also underscores the need for skilled workers in areas like electrical engineering and offshore wind manufacturing, citing the National Grid’s projection of over 400,000 new recruits required to meet the 2050 net zero target.

Experts from various organizations, including Actuate UK, the Energy Research Accelerator, AWRenewables, and Last Energy UK, praised the report for its comprehensive approach to the challenges and solutions needed for the UK’s energy transition.

The Mission Zero Coalition's extensive consultations with energy sector stakeholders across the country have reinforced the report's conclusions, urging immediate and decisive action to achieve the UK's net zero ambitions.

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