Fire breaks out at IFA interconnector site

By: Tom Russell

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15/09/2021 National Grid

National Grid UK revealed that a fire broke out at the Interconnexion France Angleterre (
IFA) interconnector site in Sellindge, Kent at around 12:30am last night.

A spokesperson for National Gird stated: “There has been a fire at our IFA interconnector site in Sellindge and emergency services are in attendance. The site has been evacuated and the safety of our staff, emergency teams and local residents is our highest priority. We will provide a further update in due course.”

According to Kent Fire and Rescue Service, at the height of the incident twelve fire engines plus other specialist vehicles were fighting the fire using compressed air foam to prevent the fire from spreading to other nearby buildings.

Progress is being made, however firefighters are expected to be on site for some hours to come.  

National Grid also provided an update on the status of the cable: "We have notified the market that 1000MW is unavailable until 13 October as a result. This is in addition to the 1000MW that is unavailable until Friday 17 September due to a planned outage. The IFA2 interconnector is operating as normal at full capacity.” 

IFA is a joint venture between the French Transmission Operator RTE and National Grid. It forms a high voltage direct current (HVDC) bridge for the transmission of 2,000MW of electricity.

The British landing point for the subsea cables is near Folkestone, Kent, from where underground cables connect to Sellindge converter station and then on to the UK transmission system.

For more information on interconnector projects worldwide, click here.   Alternatively, you can view projects across the globe using 4C Offshore's Interactive Map.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell