Eolus seeks permit for major offshore wind farm to power Stockholm County

By: Chloe Emanuel

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01/07/2024 Eolus
Eolus has submitted an application to the Swedish Government to construct the Skidbladner offshore wind farm, featuring up to 147 wind turbines situated over 20 kilometres north of Gotska Sandön. This project is projected to generate 11.7 TWh of electricity annually, sufficient to cover half of Stockholm County's current electricity consumption or more than ten times the needs of Gotland.

"Given Sweden's urgent need for new electricity production, the expansion of offshore wind power is essential. A wind farm of this magnitude will significantly bolster the Swedish electricity supply," stated Per Witalisson, CEO of Eolus.

Eolus is developing several offshore wind projects in Swedish waters, including Skidbladner and Herkules, both located in the economic zone off Gotland. Combined, these projects aim to provide Sweden with 4.6 GW of installed capacity and approximately 25 TWh of electricity per year. The Skidbladner project spans roughly 1,400 square kilometres and can accommodate up to 147 wind turbines, each with a maximum height of 360 meters, mounted on floating foundations anchored to the seabed.

"The goal is for Gotland to achieve a fully renewable energy system by 2040, and projects like Skidbladner are integral to this plan," commented Lars Thomsson, coordinator of Energy Island Gotland.

The Skidbladner wind farm will be located about 100 kilometres southeast of Stockholm and is expected to be operational by 2033, providing electricity for millions of homes—equivalent to half of Stockholm County’s consumption today or over ten times Gotland’s annual needs.

"Floating wind power offers the advantage of being positioned farther from the coast, where wind conditions are more favorable and visual impact is minimal. Eolus, a pioneer in wind power since the 90s, is excited to lead the development of floating wind power in the Baltic Sea," added Anna Lundsgård, head of offshore wind power at Eolus.

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4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
Chloe Emanuel

Press Coordinator

01502 307037 chloe.emanuel@tgs.com