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Deep Wind Offshore wins major offshore wind site in Estonia

4C Offshore | Chloe Emanuel
By: Chloe Emanuel 21/06/2024 Deep Wind Offshore

Deep Wind Offshore has emerged victorious in securing a significant offshore wind site in the Baltic Sea, furthering Estonia's ambitious renewable energy goals. The site, known as Saare 2.1, spans 164 kmĀ² and features water depths ranging from 29 to 66 metres, making it ideal for efficient wind energy production.

The Baltic nations have collectively committed to opening areas for offshore wind production, aiming for a total capacity of 20 GW by 2030. Estonia is leading the charge with this recent auction. Deep Wind Offshore's acquisition of the GW-sized site marks a significant milestone in this initiative.

Expressing his enthusiasm, CEO Knut Vassbotn stated, "Estonia is turning ambitions into action, and we are really excited to have been awarded this site. Deep Wind Offshore will contribute to the country reaching its climate goals, providing energy security, building value chains, and creating new jobs."

Deep Wind Offshore is dedicated to developing over 10 GW of offshore wind capacity within the next decade, focusing on both existing and new markets. With this new site, Estonia is set to become a core market for the company.

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