Vattenfall tosses its hat into Borssele ring

By: Tom Russell

Home Market Intelligence Wind News

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10/10/2016 Nuon

Vattenfall has submitted a bid for the Borssele III & Borssele IV offshore wind sites, as part of the Dutch Government's tender round. Nuon, a Vattenfall subsidiary, explained that the company has decided to bid for the two sites without the support of a consortium or partner.

Vattenfall stated that it has established 2065MW of wind energy wind (800MW onshore and 1265MW offshore) across several different countries: Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Sweden. Nuon has established 431MW of the capacity in the Netherlands alone.

The government has set the maximum capacity for Borssele III between 330-360MW whilst Borssele IV may have a capacity between 350-380MW. The project combined will have a minimum capacity of 680MW of power and are expected to supply enough to supply 775,000 households annually.

The round opened on the 16th of September and closed on the 29th September. The Government received a total of 26 applications.

A dedicated team of national and international experts will evaluate all the applications and the Government stated that it expects the winning bidders will be selected by the end of the year. The successful applicants will have submitted the bid with the least required subsidy and that meet all the Government's conditions.

Back in July, The Netherlands’ Minister of Economic Affairs awarded DONG Energy the concession to build the Dutch offshore wind farms Borssele I and Borssele II 22km off the coast of Zeeland. DONG Energy won the concessions with an average bid strike price, excluding transmission costs, of €72.70/MWh for the first 15 years of the contract. The win was hailed as the cheapest wind farm in the world at the time.

For more information, please follow the links provided. To view the projects on our interactive map, click here.

About the Author

4C Offshore | Tom Russell
Tom Russell

Press Coordinator

01502 307037